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Артикул: RX7119

Все товары Bosch Rexroth

Valve amplifiers for proportional flow control valves VT‑VRPA1‑50‑1X

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  • Component series 1X
  • Analog, Euro-card format
  • For valves: FE 16, FE 25 and FES 25 (as of component series 2X)


  • Differential input, switchable from voltage to current input
  • Two non-isolated command value inputs
  • Enable input and "ramp off" input
  • Amplitude, zero point and adjustable ramp time
  • Reverse polarity protection for the operating voltage
  • Outputs for command value and actual value
  • LED display for "ready for operation"

Product description


0 V command value presetting does not mean "orifice in seat position". At an actual value of 0 V, the orifice spool is in positive overlap. A command value of 0 V results in an actual value of 0 V. Depending on the pressure differential, leakage oil is still flowing. If no enable signal is applied or the output stage is blocked due to a fault, the orifice spool falls into the seat and ensures leak-free sealing. In seat position, the measurable actual value is > +0.5 V (valve type dependent).

When using an external time potentiometer, the internal potentiometers for the ramp times must be set to maximum (voltages at the "t1" and "t2" measuring sockets approx. 20 mV). The maximum ramp time is reduced as the resistance value of the external potentiometer is switched in parallel to that of the internal potentiometer (approx. 500 kΩ). In this case, the ramp times for upwards and downwards ramp cannot be set separately.

By applying a voltage >10 V to the "Ramp off" switching input or setting the plug-in jumper X4, the ramp time is set to its minimum value (approx. 15 ms). The switching input will then be ineffective. The minimum value is then valid for both directions.

Calculation of the ramp times

Jumper X9 plugged (ramp time "short")

Jumper X8 plugged (ramp time "long")

The following applies:
U = Voltage in volt at measuring socket "t1" or "t2"
t = Ramp time in seconds for upwards and downwards ramp

Ramp function

The down-stream ramp generator [3] generates a ramp-shaped output signal from a given step-shaped input signal. The time constants of the output signal (ramp times) can be adjusted using the "t1" (upwards ramp) and "t2" (downwards ramp) potentiometers accessible through the front plate. The specified maximum ramp time refers to a command value step of 100 % and may be approx. 5 s or 50 s depending on the jumper setting (X8, X9). If a command value step of less than 100 % is switched to the ramp generator input [3], the ramp time will be correspondingly shorter. The current ramp time can be checked at the "t1" (upwards ramp) and "t2" (downwards ramp) measuring sockets.

For detailed information, refer to Technical data

Power supply unit

After application of the operating voltage, the internal power supply unit [6] creates a voltage of ±9 V as compared to measurement zero (M0). Measured against load zero (L0), it is raised by +9 V. The voltages +9 V and –9 V (–9 V corresponds to L0) are fed to the connector strip X1 and can be used externally (e.g. for a command value potentiometer). The maximum load capacity is 25 mA.

Ready for operation

The amplifier card is ready for operation if the following conditions are met:

Operating voltage > 20 V

No asymmetry of internal supply voltages

No cable break in position transducer lines

no short-circuit in solenoid conductors

The "ready for operation" status is indicated by the green LED on the front plate.

Command value

The command value voltage is either specified directly, by the regulated voltage +9 V of the power supply unit [6] or via an external command value potentiometer. For the "Command value 1" input, +9 V ≙ +100 % and for the "Command value 2" input, +6 V ≙ +100 %. The reference point for the command value inputs 1 and 2 is always M0 (18ac). Command value input 3 is a differential input [1] (0 to +10 V). It can be configured by setting jumpers as current input (0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA). If the command value is specified by external electronics with a different reference potential, the differential input has to be used.

When disconnecting or connecting the command value voltage, it has to be ensured that both signal lines are in each case separated from or connected with the input. Before they are forwarded, all command values will be added up according to their absolute value and their sign [2]. Using the "Zw" potentiometer, offset voltages in the command value branch can be compensated.

Limitation and position controller

From the output of the ramp generator [3], the command value voltage reaches the "Gw" potentiometer which is accessible through the front plate and serves as attenuator. It can also be used to set the maximum flow of the valve. The downstream limiter [7] limits the command value to 105 % or –5 %

(e.g. at excessive command value voltage or by adjustment of the potentiometer for zero point "Zw" and basic value "Gw") to prevent the valve spool from hitting the mechanical end positions. The output signal of the limiter [7] is the position command value which is supplied to the PID controllers [8] and via an output stage [17] also to measuring socket "w" on the front plate of the card as well as to port 28c at the connector strip X1 (command value after ramp and limiter). A voltage of +6 V at command value measuring socket "w" corresponds to a command value of +100 %. The PID controllers are especially optimized for the respective valves. Prior to assembly of the card, jumpers X2 have to be set to the position dedicated for the valve types to be controlled (also refer to the sticker on the rear of the PCB. In the controllers, the position command value and the actual position value are compared; in case of a difference, a corresponding control output is returned. In the downstream summing device [11], a rectangular voltage generated by the dither generator [10] is added to the control output and the resulting signal forwarded to the current output stage [13] the output signal of which controls the proportional solenoid of the throttle valve.

Position sensing

The position transducer electronics consist of an oscillator [14] with downstream driver [15] for controlling the inductive position transducer and a demodulator [16] for analyzing the position transducer signal (actual value). The oscillator frequency is approx. 2.5 kHz. The inductive position transducer must be connected as throttle circuit with mid sensing. The position transducer electronics have been adjusted at the factory. Due to very long or capacitive position transducer lines, the delay resulting from signal runtime and line attenuation might make readjustment of the zero point (via "Zx" potentiometer) and the amplification (via "Gx" potentiometer) necessary. The actual value (corresponds to the valve spool position) can be measured at the actual value measuring socket.

The actual value signal is output in inverted form as compared to the command value. A path of 100 % corresponds to –6 V at the actual value measuring socket and at port 32a of the connector strip X1.

Enable input

With a signal of > 10 V at enable input 20a, the output stage and I controller are enabled (indication by the yellow LED at the front plate). By setting jumper X3, these are independently and permanently enabled by the signal at the enable input. The switching input will then be ineffective.

[ ] = Assignment to block diagram on page 4

External time potentiometer

External command value potentiometer (with 9 V command value input)

Type code


Valve amplifier for proportional flow control valves with electrical position feedback, analog, euro-card format


For valves: FE 16, FE 25 and FES 25 (as of component series 2X)


Component series 10 ... 19 (10 ... 19: unchanged installation and connection dimensions)


Further details in the plain text





When replacing amplifier VT 5011, VT 5012 or VT 5062 to VT 5066, the blind plate 4TE/3HE, material no. R900021004, must be ordered separately for the rack mounting.

Technical data

Position transducer

Oscillator frequency



2.5 ±10 %

Supplementary information

Reference voltage 1)

Potentiometer supply



±9 (Imax = 25 mA)


32-pole male multipoint connector, DIN 41612, design D

Ambient temperature range



​0 … ​50

Storage temperature range



-25 … ​70




1)With raised zero point

Measuring sockets

Command value




0 ... 6 (Ri = 1 kΩ)

Ramp time




0.02 ... 5




0.02 ... -5 s

additional notices

Ramp up, short: 0.02 V ≙ 5 s and 5 V ≙ 0.02 s,
long: 0.02 V ≙ 50 s and 5 V ≙ 0,2 s
Ramp down, short:
-0.02 V ≙ 5 s and -5 V ≙ 0.02 s,
long: -0.02 V ≙ 50 s and -5 V ≙ 0.2 s

Actual value 1)




0 ... -6
1)Ri = 1 kΩ


LED display

Green 1

Ready for operation

Yellow 1


Adjustment options

Zero point calibration information

-5 ... 30 %

Amplitude attenuator

for command value


0 ... 105

Ramp time up/down

Ramp 1



0.02 … 5

Ramp 2



0.2 … 50

Solenoid outputs

Pilot current

Factory setting




Solenoid current





Coil resistance at 20°C




Dither frequency




300 ±10 %

Clock frequency



1.5 kHz

Analog inputs

Command value

Voltage (differential input)



​0 ... ​10

Voltage 1)

grounded on one side, first input



​0 … ​9

Voltage 1)

grounded on one side, second input



​0 … ​6




4 … 20


Input resistance








0 … 20


Input resistance



1)Reference potential is M0

Voltage supply

Operating voltage





Lower limit value




Upper limit value




Power consumption





Current consumption






2.5 A time-lag

Digital inputs


On (active)



10 ... UB

Off (inactive)



0 ... 9

Ramp on/off

On (active)



0 ... 9

Off (inactive)



10 ... UB


Component series


Type of electronics




(For applications outside these values, please consult us!)

Operating and display elements

Valve types


Factory setting




FE 16...2X

FE 25...2X

FES 25...2X(3X)

FES 25...2X(3X) 1)

1) For increase of electrical amplification, jumper X2 can be set to 5-6 at valve FES 25 at a pressure differential of the hydraulic system of < 120 bar.




Factory setting




Can be controlled externally




Can be controlled externally

Ramp time



0.02 ... 5 s

0.2 ... 50 s

1) For use of amplifiers VT 5011 and VT 5012 , jumper X3 (enable) has to be set to "on".



Factory setting

Command value 3
(differential input)




0 ... 10 V

0 ... 20 mA

4 ... 20 mA


Zero point command value

Command value attenuator

Ramp time "Ramp up"

Ramp time "Ramp down"

Zero point actual value

Actual value attenuator

Measuring sockets

Ramp time "Ramp up"

Ramp time "Ramp down"

Actual value

Command value

Reference potential

LED displays

Ready for operation (green)

Enable (yellow)

Symbols/Circuit diagrams

Differential amplifier

Summing device

Ramp generator

Threshold switch

Enable circuit

Power supply unit

Command value limiter

PID controller

Fault recognition

Dither generator

Summing device, controller

Over-current identification

Clocked output stage




Output stage

Proportional valve

Position transducer

Zero point command value

Command value attenuator

Zero point actual value

Actual value attenuator

Ready for operation (green)

Enable (yellow)

Ramp time "Ramp up"

Ramp time "Ramp down"

See Operating and display elements


Dimensions in mm

Dimensions in mm

Project planning information

The amplifier card must be configured according to its application.

The amplifier card may only be unplugged and plugged when de-energized.

No connectors with free-wheeling diodes or LED displays must be used for solenoid connection.

Only carry out measurements at the card using instruments Ri > 100 kΩ!

Measurement zero (M0) is increased by +9 V compared to 0 V operating voltage and not isolated,

i.e. –9 V regulated voltage 0 V operating voltage. Thus, do not connect measurement zero (M0) to 0 V operating voltage.

For switching command values, relays with gold-plated contacts have to be used (low voltages, low currents).

Always shield command value lines; connect shielding to 0 V operating voltage on the card-side, other side open (risk of ground loops).

Also shield solenoid conductors.
For solenoid conductors up to a length of 50 m, use cable type LiYCY 1.5 mm2. For greater lengths, please contact us.

The distance to aerial lines, radios, and radar systems has to be at least 1 m.

Do not lay solenoid conductors and signal lines near power lines.

Due to the charging power of the smoothing capacitor on the card, time-lag characteristics are required at the pre-fuses.

Do not connect the port of the inductive position transducer marked with the ground sign with the ground. (Requirement for the compatibility with amplifier type VT 5011, VT 5012 and VT 5062 to VT 5066)

If the differential input is used, both inputs must always be connected or disconnected at the same time.


Data Sheet | RC30117 | 2006-07-31 | Chinese | PDF | 580k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
VT-VRPA1-50 至 VT-VRPA1-52
Amplificatori analogici tipi VT-VRPA1-50 ... VT-VRPA1-52
Data Sheet | RI30117 | 2006-07-01 | Italian | PDF | 1.3MB

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
Analoge Verstärker
Data Sheet | RD30117 | 2006-07-01 | German | PDF | 235k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
Amplificador analógico
Data Sheet | RS30117 | 2006-07-01 | Spanish | PDF | 236k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
Amplificateurs analogiques
Data Sheet | RF30117 | 2006-07-01 | French | PDF | 235k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
Analogue Amplifiers
Data Sheet | RE30117 | 2006-07-01 | English | PDF | 233k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
Erklärung zur Umweltverträglichkeit für die Bereiche EMV, Klima und mechanischer Belastung
Data Sheet | RD30117-U | 2011-10-31 | German | PDF | 142k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
VT-VRPA1-50-1X/, VT-VRPA1-51-1X/, VT-VRPA1-52-1X/, VT-VRPA1-400-1X/V0
Declaration on the environmental compatibility for EMC, climate and mechanical load
Data Sheet | RE30117-U | 2011-10-31 | English | PDF | 142k

Product Groups: Valve amplifiers
VT-VRPA1-50-1X/, VT-VRPA1-51-1X/, VT-VRPA1-52-1X/, VT-VRPA1-400-1X/V0

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